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Robins AFB Library: Board Games, Launchpads, Vox Books, & Wonderbooks

Board and card games are a great way to spend a family night or to hang out with friends. Try out a new game or an old favorite!

Board and Card Games

Launchpad learning tablets are loaded with a world of learning with apps, videos, storybooks, and games. 100% secure. No internet needed.

New Launchpads 7/23

Vox Books are the world's first audio books that live in print books. The permanently attached VOX Reader tranforms an ordinary print book into an all-in-one read-along. No need for computers, devices, batteries, or CDs - children simply push a button to listen and read.

Wonderbooks are children’s books with a ready-to-play audiobook already inside. Take one off the shelf and press play. It’s never been more fun to read along!

New Wonderbooks-July 2023