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MELT - Design Structure and Governance




A Handbook for Language Program Administrators:

Effective Governance, pp. 199-200

Mechanistic Model, pp. 200-201

Organic Model, pp. 201-202

Comparison of 2 design models, pp. 202-203

MLTP Types, pp. 313, 329

Leader / Manager Governing Accountability


A Handbook for Language Program Administrators:

What Are the Most Time-Consuming Responsibilities of an LPA, p. 11-12

What do LPAs Wish They Had Known, pp. 12-14


 From Teacher to Manager: Duty of Care, pp. 140-141 (health and safety)      

Governing Principles: Vision, Mission, Priority


A Handbook for Language Program Administrators:

Strategy Defined and Effective Strategy Process (SP) (6 benefits), pp. 79-81

Engage in Strategic Planning, pp. 123-125

SCC Pipeline Administrative Processes

A Handbook for Language Program Administrators:

Working with International partners, pp. 67-71


The Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), Chapters 4, 5, and 6

The Management of Security Cooperation (DISCS Green Book), Chapters 5, 6, 14

Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) Publications

Programming and Delivery

A Handbook for Language Program Administrators:

 Financial Planning and Management Resources, pp. 243-244

Development and Fiscal Policy, pp. 251-260


A Handbook for Language Program Administrators:

Strategic Planning: Financial Outcomes, pp. 153-160

Planning and Analytical Tools, pp. 160-166

Strategic Plan Implementation, pp. 166-169

Duty of Care and Financial Risk Management 173-174

Responsibility to Stakeholders (internal and external customers), p. 174-175


From Teacher to Manager:

Operational Financial Management, p. 177-200

Regulations, Policies, and Laws

From Teacher to Manager: Legal and Contractual Compliance, pp. 175-176

Organizational Culture and the Learning Environment

British Council: “Global research reveals value of intercultural skills”

LINCS: TEAL Center Fact Sheet No. 6: “Student-Centered Learning”

LINCS: TEAL Center Fact Sheet No. 11: "Adult Learning Theories"

Cultural Competence in the Adult ELL Classroom: A Funds of Knowledge (ELL-U)

SCC Operations/ Exercises

LINCS: “Preparing ELLs for work and Career Pathways: Issue Brief”

LINCS: “Preparing ELLs for work and Career Pathways: Companion Learning Resource”

Design Structure and Effective Governance

*Some Open Access*

Governance provides discussion of executive politics, public policy, administration, and the organization of the state. It emphasizes peer-reviewed articles that take an international or comparative approach to public policy and administration.

(Un)principled principals, (un)principled agents: The differential effects of managerial civil service reforms on corruption in developing and OECD countries

The Journal of Organization Design is the intellectual home of organization design thinking. Drawing on a wide variety of disciplines, organization design analyzes how organizations work, and how they can work better, focusing on the choices about structures, systems, and processes that drive various organizational outcomes. 

Organizational life cycle models: a design perspective

Use hierarchy for “liberating servant leadership” instead of controlling employees

Fading hierarchies and the emergence of new forms of organization


Napoleon’s Shadow: Facing Organizational Design Challenges in the U.S. Military  Strategies for Cultivating an Organizational Learning Structure 
Developing an effective governance operating model  How To Frame A Problem To Find The Right Solution