Computer Access Authorization and Agreement
To fulfill its mission of providing public access to information of all types in a wide range of formats, the Yokota AB Library provides access to Internet resources. In doing so, the Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and assumes responsibility only for information provided on its home pages.
Rules Governing Use
Due to the limited resources available to provide Internet access, the Library may set limits, for example, on use of large files of still or moving images or sound or on downloading files in any medium. The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of time an individual can devote to a single session if there are others waiting. The Library supplies paper for printers, at the cost of $0.10 a page for Black and White and $0.15 a page for Color.
Users May NOT:
- Use the network to make unauthorized entry into other informational or communication services or resources
- Distribute unsolicited advertising
- Invade the privacy of others
- Make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software
- Download or Upload ANY programs to computer hard drives
- Engage in any activity that is harassing, illegal or defamatory
- Violate Copyright laws
Violations result in loss of access and notification of the Sponsor’s Commanding Officer
Security: Be aware the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding user’s activities. DO NOT Leave Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on the computer.
Access for Minors: Sponsors must assume responsibility for deciding what library resources are appropriate for their own children. Parent or legal guardians should guide their children in the use of the Internet and inform them about materials they should not see. The Sponsor is held liable for a dependent’s misuse of computers. Children ages 11-17 MUST have a letter of Permission signed by the sponsor on file to access computers. A parent or legal guardian must supervise children 10 and younger at all times.
This Site is the property of the Yokota Library and the 374 Force Support Squadron.
Contact the Site Administrator for questions.