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"Animals." Rector, Rebecca Kraft. Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2015): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Animal." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Therapy Animal." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Service Animal." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Animal Behavior." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Common Octopus." Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Squid." Weber, Amy. Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Cnidaria." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2016): 1. Middle Search Plus. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Mollusk." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Echinoderm." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Starfishes." Manos, John. Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Razor Clam." Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"True Oyster." Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Coral." Rector, Rebecca Kraft. Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Vertebrate." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Invertebrate." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Annelid." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Common Earthworm." Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Snails." Manos, John. Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Slugs." Weber, Amy. Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Jellyfish." Weber, Amy. Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews K-5. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Sea Anemones." Lambeth, Ellen, and John Dawson. Ranger Rick 29.11 (1995): 10. Middle Search Plus. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Sea Anemone." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
"Fish Men Explore a New World Undersea." Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, and Jacques Ertaud. National Geographic Magazine Oct. 1952: [431]+. National Geographic Virtual Library. Web. 7 Sept. 2016.