JBSA Library Patrons,
Access to the Army MWR Library Libby ended today as of 25 Jan 2024. Patrons no longer have the option to log into Libby with their Web login (email address) and PIN. They must log into the DoD MWR Library Libby with their DoD ID# and birthdate.
Patrons have 30 days from today to have their Army MWR Library Libby and DoD MWR Library Libby accounts merged.
Patrons only need to have their Libby accounts merged if they want their Army MWR Library Libby holds/wishlists/reading histories moved over to their DoD MWR Library Libby account.
See the PDF Tip Sheet for Libby below which includes step-by-step instructions for patrons who want their Army MWR Library Libby account merged with their DoD MWR Library Libby account.
Please contact your JBSA Library Location at Lackland AFB, Randolph AFB, Ft. Sam Houston for any questions!
Click the Link below for Access to Libby Migration instructions via DoD MWR Library Libby!